Seriously, saving the Monarchs is going to be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable things you can to. The investment is small, the payoff is huge!
You can purchase the butterfly habitats inexpensively online. The expensive part is keeping your caterpillars in milkweed! They do eat alot but if you only leave out one plant for the adults to lay eggs on, you should not be overwhelmed with hungry caterpillars.
You'll start with a few milkweed plants, try to find the native ones as the common tropical varieties can host a parasite that will cause your beautiful butterflies to come into the world with deformed wings, unable to fly. Some say to cut these plants to the ground after they bloom to keep this from happening but still expect some deformed butterflies if this is your source of food.
Next, watch your plants for eggs, they are little yellowish dots on the undersides of the leaves. You may get lucky and see the butterfly laying her eggs on your plants. It is so exciting!
Then, watch for the little caterpillars to appear. They blend in surprisingly well and will be on the underside of the leaves. You'll notice little munch marks on the leaves when they have arrived.
Now, pick the leaves the little guys are on and put them in your habitat with a fresh butterfly weed and then wait!
You will likely have to swap out your plants a time or two before they become chrysalis' so keep a few ready to go but remember, if they are exposed, you'll get more eggs and you may be over-run with hungry caterpillars!
Once they climb to the top and become a chysalis, your work is about to pay off! Your new butterflies will be arriving soon!
A Flordida favourite, the Gulf Frittilary is a fun butterfly to raise. Finding Passion Vines, it's host plant, can be challenging though.
Though they would never win a cute contest, these ugly ducklings become gorgeous butterflies! The Zebra Longwing caterpillar looks the same only white instead of orange. Both eat Passion Vines.
Our State butterfly, the Zebra Longwing is a gorgous addition to your garden. They are not as aggresive as the Frittilary so keep them separate.
Please join our Facebook page to join our Butterfly Hero's group and share your success with other butterfly lovers. This is a great project to involve everyone in the family. You'll get outside and be involved in something that is fun and rewarding. This is a fantastic family activity. Get to know eachother while helping beautify your yard and save the butterflies! Who knows where it will lead... Maybe beekeeping? You never know!
Once you've been bitten by backyard bugs, there is no going back.