Your generosity helps us care for the animals & provide a great place for an unforgettable experience with animals, nature & rural life!  Please give!
  • $9 for a Square Bale
  • $90 for a Round Bale
  • $20 for Peanut Hay

Hey! We need hay, and lots of it, to keep our animals' tummies full this winter! Can you help

$9 for a Square Bale

$90 for a Round Bale

$13 for Peanut Hay

  • What is Rooterville Animal Sanctuary?

    Rooterville Animal Sanctuary is located in Melrose, FL and provides a safe and compassionate refuge to rescued farm animals. These precious farm animals are just like our pet dogs and cats. Everyone is an individual who deserves to be loved and be treated kindly.

    At Rooterville, ALL animals are treated with kindness and compassion.  We provide them all with a healthy diet and comfy home filled with love and good care. Our facility is meant to fulfill the animals' needs and natural behaviors.  You will find grass, clean feeding areas off of the ground, plenty of fresh water and bedding as well as fans, fly control and other things that keep our animals comfortable in any weather.

    Our residents, which we kindly refer to as ambassadors, are the lucky ones who have come here from all sorts of situations but primarily as the result of abuse, abandonment, and neglect. They include pot-bellied pigs, farm pigs, cows, goats, turkeys, peacocks, mini-horses, chickens and a few dogs and cats. Rooterville Animal Sanctuary currently provides a beautiful home to over one hundred rescued animals.

    Rooterville was founded by Elaine West in 2004 to care for the many unwanted, abandoned, and abused pot-bellied pigs in need of a safe and loving home. Unfortunately, most animal control agencies or Humane Societies will not take in unwanted pet pigs or farm animals, so many of these former pets end up meeting a gruesome fate simply because no one is there to help.  

    Due to lack of funding, we are no longer accepting pigs or other animals.

  • Why donate to Rooterville Animal Sanctuary?

    When you donate to Rooterville Animal Sanctuary you help us care for the 100+ animals here at Rooterville and help us keep our gates open to share them with others.  A visit to Rooterville causes ecstatic smiling, laughing and sheer joy which promotes human health and happiness!

    Your kindness allows us to continue providing second chances to animals in need and encouraging more people just like you to make kinder choices in their daily lives which has a huge impact on animal welfare, human health and our environment. 

    Our current cost of feeding the animals is approximately $100 PER DAY.  We cannot care for them without your support.

    Donate Now

    Together we are a mighty force for positive change! How you spend your money is crucial to making this world a better place. 

    Visit our online store today for top-quality gifts, home decor and jewelry!

    By shopping at , all proceeds help us care for the animals at Rooterville.  Every purchase shows that you are a compassionate, caring, and kind person who values the welfare of animals. Your support can make a huge difference in an animal's lives' and helps us continue our mission of "Encouraging Compassion, Inspiring Change".  Use code "ImKind" for 15% off!

  • What type of animals live at Rooterville Animal Sanctuary?

    Rooterville Animal Sanctuary is home to over one hundred farm animals. Our wide selection of animals includes cows, horses, goats, chickens, turkeys, peacocks a few dogs and cats, and primarily pot-bellied pigs and farm pigs.

    Sponsor a farm animal

  • What Types of Products Does Rooterville Animal Sanctuary Offer?

    Rooterville Animal Sanctuary offers a wide variety of jewelry, home decor, toys, pet supplies and clothing, primarily animal-themed, in our online store, The Pink Pigs which you can visit at . Our products make great gifts for any animal lover because they will not only love the products but they'll really love knowing their gift helped animals in need.

    ALL of our products are new and come with a 30 day return policy, in new condition. If you are not satisfied for any reason, please let us know. We go above and beyond to make sure that our customers are pleased with their purchases from our store. We will treat you the way we would want to be treated. If there is any issue at all with an order, please get in touch and we'll make things right for you.

    Please check out our store and know that every purchase is also an important way to easily help animals in need by simply purchasing great products.

  • Where Do the Animals at Rooterville Animal Sanctuary Come From?

    Rooterville Animal Sanctuary rescues primarily farm animals that have been abused, abandoned and neglected. We strive to save as many animals as we can.  Sadly, there are many more animals needing help than we can manage.

    Some of the animals on the property are privately owned by Elaine, who is happy to share them with good folks like you so that you can see what farm animals are really like!  (PS: they are FUN!)

  • What is the mission of Rooterville Animal Sanctuary?

    Rooterville Sanctuary's mission is "Encouraging Compassion and Inspiring Change." Encouraging folks like you to meet and interact with real farm animals and go on to make kind choices is the most important work we do. Getting the word out that a whole-food, plant-based diet is not only good for animals but also for the environment and our own health is crucial to helping turn the tide for our environment and making life better for everyone.

    Our sanctuary is a place for visitors and children to spend time in nature and interact with animals, who are healers.  Our butterfly garden and bee hives inspire wonder and curiosity.  Sharing our beautiful home for both farm animals and wild creatures allows visitors to have an experience that they will not find anywhere else. We hope that it inspires everyone who comes through our gates to live kindly, be compassionate and respect ALL life.

     If you would like to support our mission click on "donate" at the top of the page or purchase awesome products like jewelry, decor, gifts for people and pets and clothing from our online store,

    Please tell your friends, co-workers and relatives too! Together, we can change the world!

  • How can I help Rooterville Animal Sanctuary?

    An easy way to help Rooterville Animal Sanctuary is to click on "donate" or purchase from our gift shop 100% of the proceeds go to helping care for our animals. Our products make great gifts for the animal lovers in your life because you are also giving to a great cause!

    Another way you can give is by symbolically sponsoring an animal. Rooterville is home to over 100 amazing animals - from cats and dogs to cows and chickens. Oh, and pigs, of course! We need your help to give these animals the best possible life. With Rooterville's Sponsor A Rescued Animal program, you can symbolically adopt an animal and help us with all of their necessities - food, shelter, and health care. 

    Sponsor A Farm Animal Now

    We also offer The Rooterville Rescue GEMS (Give Every Month Supporter). Starting at just $15 a month, Rooterville Rescue GEMS gain access to the sanctuary, exclusive updates and savings at our store, where every dollar you spend helps rescued animals!

    Become a Monthly Supporter

    Finally, if you would like to give your time instead of money you can volunteer at Rooterville! Volunteers are an important lifeline for Rooterville. 

    You can help care for rescued animals, educate people about living more compassionately, and save animal lives. We provide hands-on training for all individuals and groups wanting to offer their time to meet the ongoing needs of our rescued animals. By becoming a volunteer you can help in the following areas:

    • Feeding and Watering
    • Bedding Down the Animals at Night
    • General Farm Maintenance
    • Vehicle Maintenance
    • Building Maintenance and Cleaning
    • Marketing and Event Planning
    • Clean-Up of Stalls After Feeding and General Poop Pick-Up
    • Bathing and Grooming
    • General Gardening Chores
    • Tractor Work and Mowing
    • Beekeeping
    • Office Work
    • Fundraising
    • And a Lot More!

  • Cancellation Policy

    Hey friends! We're looking forward to your visit! ALL proceeds from your stay and/or experiences help us care for the animals at Rooterville Animal Sanctuary like little Ginger and Gracie. They rely on the revenue from our stays and experiences to make sure no one goes hungry so it is super important when you book with us that you show up. If you can't make it, please give someone else the opportunity to book your stay or experience by giving us 5 or more days' notice that you can't make it. 


    • Hurricanes or severe weather: both stays and experiences will be canceled with no penalty. Rain is not severe weather however experiences can be canceled or rescheduled due to rain. 
    • Stays will not be canceled or rescheduled due to rain, especially on holiday weekends. Weather forecasts are made up to 10 days in advance, please plan accordingly.


    • Cancellations 2-5 days prior to an experience will be charged a 10% penalty. 
    • Cancellations less than 48 hours prior to experiences, not weather related, NO REFUNDS
    • RESCHEDULING:  Rescheduling is free for the first reschedule. Each reschedule after the first will be subject to a 10% fee.


    • Cancellations for stays less than 5 (1-4)days before your stay, NO REFUNDS
    • Cancellations 5-10 or more days before scheduled stays will be 90% refundable. 
    • Cancellations 10 or more days before scheduled stays will be 95% refundable. 
    • Cancellations 11 or more days before scheduled stays will be 100% refundable.

    Your cancellation fees will be considered a donation and they will be tax deductible as allowed by law. Please keep your receipts for tax purposes. 

    No refunds for cancellations 48 hours prior to booking date. Cancellations or rescheduling due to weather delays for experiences only is on a case-by-case basis and up to the discretion of the owner/operator.

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